
Looking for Hellraiser original art?

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Hellraiser is a British-American horror media franchise that consists of eleven films, as well as various comic books, and additional merchandise and media. Based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by English author Clive Barker, the franchise centers around the Cenobites which includes the primary antagonist named Pinhead. The overall plot of the franchise focuses on a puzzle box, the Lament Configuration. It opens a gateway to the Hell-like realm of the Cenobite lifeforms. The Cenobites are an order of former humans who have become monsters who harvest human souls to torture in their sadistic experiments…Wikipedia
Where to find Hellraiser art?By volume|By price
Primary marketplace
United States
  1. 90United States
  2. 5Europe
  3. 3United Kingdom
  4. 1Spain
Type of sale
  1. 84Non-auction sources
  2. 16Auctions
  1. 73Heritage
  2. 16eBay US
  3. 8eBay Europe
  4. 1Weiss Auctions
Non-auction sources
  1. 38Romitaman
  2. 19ComicArtFans Classifieds
  3. 10eBay US (Buy It Now)
  4. 4Essential Sequential
What are Hellraiser art current trends?
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