Captain Harlock

Looking for Captain Harlock original art?

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Captain Harlock (キャプテン・ハーロック, Kyaputen Hārokku, also known as "Captain Herlock" in the English release of Endless Odyssey and some Japanese materials) is a fictional character and protagonist of the Space Pirate Captain Harlock manga series created by Leiji Matsumoto. Harlock is the archetypical Romantic hero, a space pirate with an individualist philosophy of life. He is as noble as he is taciturn, rebellious, stoically fighting against totalitarian regimes, whether they be Earth-born or alien. In his own words, he "fight[s] for no one's sake... only for something deep in [his] heart"…Wikipedia
Where to find Captain Harlock art?By volume|By price
Primary marketplace
  1. 29Japan
  2. 25France
  3. 22Europe
  4. 20Belgium
Type of sale
  1. 57Auctions
  2. 43Non-auction sources
  1. 43Mandarake (Big Web)
  2. 14Aibo Art Auction
  3. 10Artcurial
  4. 8Mandarake (Everyday)
Non-auction sources
  1. 44La Galerie de la Bande Dessinée
  2. 302DGalleries
  3. 12eBay Europe (Buy It Now)
  4. 4La French Collection
What are Captain Harlock art current trends?
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Evolution / year
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